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Date: November 25, 2001 at 10:24 am
In Reply to: Well howdy...
Subject: Sorry for the lack of updates...

Iritor is definatly not getting shafted :)
There are not going to be any updates on the current website, as the new site is soon finished.
Dont expect any news in the next weeks; everybody is extremly bussy here at wootsoft.
The whole dev team is very exited about the progress of iritor, and to be honest, we cant wait to show all of you how far IO already is.
If you liked what you've seen about IO so far you are going to love all the new content you will see soon.

We know how imporant it is to keep people interrested in our game - but we actually haven't even sent out press releases to the media that IO exists. The project is still in underground-mode.
Just wait til IO really beginns...

Ps. If iritor should ever be cancled, there would be a press release about it, trust me... (not that it looks like that this could ever happen ;) )


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